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Eat hot food, use serving spoons, wash your hands to avoid H.pylori and cancer.

Eat hot food, use serving spoons, wash your hands to avoid H.pylori and cancer.

From the story of a young woman who is sick with  stomach cancer. Even though she exercises regularly and is physically fit like everyone else. While she is sick, she still exercises in the hope of getting better, but she cannot escape the terrible disease that recently took her life. In reality, there are many risk factors for stomach cancer. Even if you exercise or are physically fit. You can still get infected with a type of bacteria from not using serving spoons, not washing your hands, and many other causes. So, Waen Sai will take everyone to get to know the bacteria and various risk factors for this type of cancer.

Stomach and cancer

       It is cause by the cells lining stomach divid abnormally until. It becomes a malignant tumor in the lining of the stomach or called “stomach cancer”. It can occur any part of the stomach. Can also spread to other organs. Most stomach cancers cause by many factors. But infection with the bacteria Helicobacter pylori (or H. pylori) from the environment is another cause. That may or may not cause cancer. When the bacteria enters the body. It lives in the stomach lining, causing chronic irritation along with exposure to carcinogens that people with poor immunity cannot eliminate mutated cells, eventually causing cancer.

What is H.pylori?

        Helicobacter pylori or H.pylori is a type of bacteria that. When entering the body, lives in the stomach lining, which increases the risk of various diseases. It is transmitt from person to person through eating food or water contaminate with H.pylori bacteria. The bacteria then release enzymes and toxins, weakening the stomach lining. Which directly and indirectly affects the stomach and the upper small intestine, causing concentrated stomach acid and digestive juices to destroy the stomach and small intestine tissues more and more severely, leading to inflammation, ulcers, and chronic irritation.

Risk factors for stomach cancer

The exact cause of stomach cancer is still unknown. But there are several factors that increase the risk of developing the disease, including:

  • Age: People aged 55 years and over, or the older they get, the higher their chances of getting stomach cancer.
  • Genetics: If someone in your family has a history of stomach cancer, you have a chance of getting it too.
  • Gender : Men are twice as likely as women to have it.
  • Foods such as pickled, salted, smoked and grilled foods can increase the risk of stomach cancer.
  • Environment: If we are expose to dust and certain chemicals for a long time. It increases the risk.
  • Lifestyle behaviors, such as smoking, drinking alcohol regularly, not eating vegetables or fruits, not eating freshly cooked food, and not using serving spoons. When sharing food.
  • Environmental H. pylori infection is a common cause of chronic inflammation, irritation, and ulceration in the stomach. Which may also increase the risk of stomach cancer.