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Monthly Archives: December 2024

The rain has come. Let’s avoid the disease!

The rain has come. Let’s avoid the disease! Leptospirosis caused by            Leptospira bacteria found in the urine of animals that are carriers such as rats, dogs, cats, pigs, buffalo, cows and rodents. This bacteria is very prevalent during the rainy season

Your body needs a detox.

Your body needs a detox. When the negative effects from the food we eat or from the bad environment accumulate more and more in the intestines, it affects our health, such as the metabolism working more slowly, causing weight gain, a bloated stomach, slow digestion,

Tuberculosis is not cured even if you prevent it.   

Tuberculosis is not cured even if you prevent it.  Live your life away from tuberculosis by โปรโมชั่น ufabet simply knowing how to take care of your health and protecting yourself from germs. It’s easy. And if someone close to you is sick with tuberculosis, you

Tuberculosis symptoms

Tuberculosis symptoms Generally, tuberculosis symptoms do not show any symptoms, but symptoms can be divide into 2 stages: latent TB and active TB. When a patient is infecte, the infection develops slowly. It may take weeks to years before symptoms appear. Latent TB When a